Designer Stoneware Boat shaped Platter GHDMBP
Whether you are looking for the perfect picece for summer entertaining or adding some charm to your weeknight dinners, this delightful boat-shaped platter will be sure to impress guests and family alike. Perfect for serving up an array of dishes from canapes to salads to rice, this versatile serving platter is a lovely choice to bring charm to the table. Beautifully crafted, this stoneware platter offers elegance and brings an element of contemporary style. You can pair this piece with other items from our range for a co-ordinated look on your table.
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We won’t accept any product that is broken, unless received in that condition. It has to have the labels and stickers intact. The coupon can
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*Please make sure that the returned item is packed in the same way you received it to avoid damages. Please use a reliable source of shipment. The costs for the return will be borne by the customer. After we receive the product, we will do a quality check to ensure that it hasn’t be used or washed. No amount will be reimbursed if the condition of the product is not the same.
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